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Hello 2022

 Alhamdulillah for everything...

Today is 28th of February 2022 and I just wanna say thank you Allah for all the blessings you have bestowed me. I know it's the last day of February and I think it's still not too late for me to wish everybody a Happy New Year 2022! haha

Whoaa... it's amazing to know it's already 2022, guys. Can you believe it? A lot of things happened in 2021 that I just didn't have that much time to update my blog. 

The worst part for last year was the passing of my beloved grandfather whom passed away on 15th January 2021. I know I should have written about him like how I wrote for my granny in 2019. But the memory was too much and I was truly in sorry for quite a few months after his passing. It took me a while to get back up and continue living. It was really the most sad day ever in my whole life. I witnessed his last breath and the moment he said the 'syahadah' was the most tear-jerking moment I ever saw. I just could not believe it had happened. I will talk about my grandfather as a tribute in my next post, inshaAllah. 

Alright, let's jump to this year. 

February has always been my favourite month every year. My parents were born in February, I share the same birthdate with my cousins, my bestie Ieda was also born in February, my aunts and also my beloved idol, Neelofa. 

Nothing I wish for this year other than that I would finally meet my soulmate, I mean what else do I dream of? It's the only thing that I wish I will make it true this year. (fingers-crossed). Everyone in my family is hoping that I will find somebody soon, you know when they always keep saying something like, "ada sudah?", "bila lagi?", etc. I understand their wishes, but I hope they are praying for me too, though. haha... 

It is really not easy to find someone. God knows how much I tried. Huh... But I will not stop looking, I mean, why will I stop? ahahaha... 

So, recently, I noticed some of my ex-students back in 2012 - 2013 and 2016- 2 017, some of them have gotten married and have babies. When I saw their posts, I noticed that I was too busy looking for a perfect job for me, focusing on my life stability and for being too stubborn to be in a relationship, I start to feel the awkwardness. Wow.. they were my students, now look at them! They have got married and have children. Some even are engaged right now. And me, I am still staying single. Haha...

Am I jealous? No. I am just feeling funny and shocked looking at myself that I am still single. It's not that I never tried or that no one have every tried to flirt me, but I just didn't find that 'one'. The one. The one I can finally say, he's the one. I just don't have that feeling, so why would I be stressed about? I think I'm just wondering how they actually feel it, know it and realize that he/she's the one for them? For me, I still don't get that feeling, so I guess, it is not the time for me yet. 

I wonder who would it be? Please come to me, cepat2. haha.. People have been asking when am I going to get married? Ugh... I'm stuck in there. Don't know when. 

Alright, I think that's it for now. Nothing much, nothing important, just feel like writing. Thank you for reading. 

Till next time, bye. 


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