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Hello Pink October!

Hello October!

Wow... we are 3 months away to end 2019 and welcoming 2020 in just a blink! This time around, I feel like I wanna talk about my career, people around me and life a bit.

Sometimes, I always get this kind of instinct where I feel some people around me are just being fake. Being too good to all people might be too old school, huh? Really. I really don't get it why would this kind of people exist?

My advice is, when you don't like a person, don't make it too obvious. Well, I am such a noob when it comes to understand people. When you are always left behind on certain things, you don't really need people to update you because you're not important, though. But sometimes, there are situations where letting other people know about something shows that you have a little bit of care.

For example, there's group A and B and C. A is everyone included, B only includes certain people from A and C includes only a few from B. That's what's going on. It's 2019 and there are still people doing this. Oh my God. I mean, look at your age people. Do you really need to do that?

I don't understand why would this thing happen because for me, it is better to just be good to everyone. Naah. That's why I said earlier, being good doesn't mean people will like you. But I think it's okay not to be liked, than being liked for being whom you are not.

Okay, let's now divert the issue to something else. My career. I am satisfied with what I am doing but I am still not satisfied with the pay I receive. At this age and with my experience, I deserve to receive more. I think I've done a lot more than what I got paid.

Honestly, I enjoy doing my work. I have passion in it and I strongly believe that is what I wanna do for the next 10 years before I choose something else to pursue what my life needs. I don't know what else to do to get more so I keep on doing and pursuing what is right in front of me.

Well, at least I love what I'm doing. So I'm gonna stick with that.

So to end this post, I'm gonna say that guys, let's remove negative people in our life. Let's do not waste our time on thinking what are they talking behind our back. Let's have positive vibes all the way and make room for other people who are good to you. And remember, these people do not worth our precious time!


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