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Jakarta - Bandung Trip 2019 (Part 3)

Day 2 in Bandung

14th February 2019

Rancabali District

Our first destination was Kawah Putih (the White Crater) which is located about 40 minutes drive away from the city centre of Bandung. The fee is Rp. 70k excluding the parking fee. Just prepare some extra cash guys.

We spent about 1 1/2 hours there. The view of the crater was very beautiful. It was my very first time to see a crater, which is initially made from the volcano eruption.

The next destination was Glamping Lakeside which is also known as Situ Patenggang. There's a history behind the name by the way. There's a stone which carved with its whole story. Basically the lake was where 2 lovers met for the first time and thought their love forever. The story is in the picture. Oh yeah, the fee is Rp. 25k.

The lake is indeed very beautiful, serene and tranquil. I always thought that I would never have that kind of moment, travelling far away from home and see other people's culture. I was wrong. It all is up to us anyway. If we really want it, we strive for it. That's the key.

There's a big ship that transformed as a restaurant for tourists to have meals while enjoying the view of the lake, greeny hills and tea farms all around. We spent another 1 1/2 hours there.

The third destination for the day was Ranca Upas. The fee was Rp. 10k.  So what is Ranca Upas? It's a rehabilitation centre for deers. Okay, you might be questioning why would an animal rehab be part of the trip? The trip is meant for nature, enjoying the flora and fauna, etc. In fact, I've never seem a deer before my eyes in whole life. Let alone touching it. Since it was just one way to, then why not?

It was already around 2pm. As we headed off to the city, Barusen Hill plan was cancelled due to rain and it was already late to go.  Maybe next time. So we were headed back to the City.

Lembang District

We checked in at D&D Backpack House and had our dinner there. The food was very homey and we were all warmly welcomed.


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