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The Tip of Borneo

The journey to Kudat from Kundasang via Kota Belud - Ranau road was indeed a new experience for me cause I have never been on that road before. It was a very exhilarating experience. 

As we embarked our journey there, the view of the Mount Kinabalu was visible stretching from Kundasang - Tamparuli - Kota Belud. Alongside the road in Kota Belud is the Taginambur river.

We stopped by at a spot on the riverside to enjoy our chicken wings that we bought in Kundasang earlier. The river is so divine and clear that it shows that it's never been polluted. Let's hope, it will never. It was a very calming moment for me as all I could hear was the sound of water splashing the rocks on the riverbanks and flowing through the river way. How lucky the people who live around there.

We continued the journey to Tanjung Simpang Mengayau (also famously known as the Tip of Borneo) after the short break. It was my second time to the Tip of Borneo. It's just that this time around. I got to stay overnight there.

It was a very memorable experience to stay one night there. My phone line coverage was so poor that I could not go online or surf the internet for the whole time. It taught me a lot in terms of appreciating the nature even more and how I live my life without the internet.

I realized I was too attached with the internet thingy until I got myself in a place where there was no internet coverage. 2 days and 1 night was actually the moment to reflect myself. How many things I could do which are beneficial and even better than just going online. Well, thanks for the experience.

I got to see the sunset in Tg. Simpang Mengayau on the same day we arrived. The next day, we went to Bak Bak beach in Kudat town early in the morning just to witness the sunrise.

It might be such an ordinary activity to be done on weekends but to me it was a blast experience. We need some moments of silence and just enjoy the nature works. I am that type of person. I can easily forget everything in just a sec if ever I got to do this. How I deal with my own problems and innerself-battles.

Here are some pictures during our trip to Kudat. I think better let the pictures speak for all.


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