Here I am, again. After such a long idle. Well, basically I have been very busy with my own stuff and things. Even during my ample time, I prefer to be getting lazy and wallowed. Here's the thing. The thing I wanna talk about which is my life, "being single". My life here in Kota Kinabalu is very simple. I live away from my family, initially my hometown, Sandakan. I do have friends here and most of them are married. Those who are still single do not really spend time mingle being single with me. They also have plans with their usual co-partner. Me? Always alone on weekends. Doing my own stuff and getting things like housechores done as planned. Sometimes not done at all. Well, sometimes my bro would call me to hangout with my nephew and s-i-l but it's not like every week. My other friends do not really always ask me out either. On certain occassions, yes they would. But I'm talking about the regular weekends. All I do is this and that. Watching Netflix lik...
Pieces of me and my thoughts